Abaout us
We are a group of professionals from all areas of the humanities (education, health, rehabilitation and welfare). We have decided to contribute from our many years of experience and to help people with special needs and their families. Some of us are volunteers, some of us receive symbolic pay.
We focus primarily on helping to rehabilitate people with special needs. The core of the team includes an educator, a social worker and a psychiatrist, as well as consultants from various fields. The organization also benefits from the work of dedicated volunteers in various fields.
The Heyanut Centre is the only holistic center in Israel that supports people, especially adolescents, with special needs. The Centre provides young people and their families with creative solutions to their broad array of challenges.

Johanan flusser
The head of the Heyanut Centre
Hello! My name is Johanan. I am the founder of the Achla organization. I have been working for people with special needs for decades, out of our obligation as humans to uphold the verse "love your neighbor as yourself" because he/she is like you! In 2000, together with experts in the areas of welfare, education and health, I founded the Achla organization and the Heyanut Centre - a project of the that began operating in 2010.
I strive to put myself in someone else's shoes and to see every human being as a whole. My goal is to help a person with special needs and their family to realize themselves and to lead a fulfilling, rich and meaningful life. It is important for every person, regardless of their disabilities, to live a full life in the community, together with all of us.
Together with my team, I help people with special needs and their families and support them in complex situations and important stages of their lives.
Who We Are
The Heyanut Centre consists of experts in the areas of welfare, education and health.
Our professionals meet with the family and support them through the bureaucracy and challenges that they meet along their journey.
People with special needs and their families are offered creative solutions in all areas of life: education, health, housing, work and leisure. These solutions are implemented in collaboration with the family and various community organizations.
At the end of the process, the family is fully functional again and has a good and meaningful quality of life.
0ur Unique Approach
We need you as partner to help us in continuing to support these families, to accompany them in all areas of life, to find solutions and implement them together with various municipal authorities. Together with your support, we will be able to help these families in crisis to overcome their deep distress and start to live their lives with meaning and hope.
Help Us
Our operation centre focuses mainly on attending to the needs of families from Jerusalem and its surroundings